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Kampagne:Midgard engl.
Midgard campaign, freely based on the book "Midgard" by Wolfgang and Heike Hohlbein
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Screenshot K ENInt.SDAW Midgard 1: Lif (engl.)Download
GemischtThe boy Lif is chosen to decide the fate of the people of Ragnaroek.
Tommy Wicki
Screenshot K ENInt.SDAW Midgard 2: Muspelheim (engl.)Download
GemischtAfter his escape from home, Lif gets into danger and finds help.
Tommy Wicki
Screenshot K ENInt.SDAW Midgard 3: Hel (engl)Download
GemischtAfter the escape from Muspelheim, our heroes have to cross the realm of the Hel. Never before has anyone returned to life from the realm of the dead.
Tommy Wicki
Screenshot K ENInt.SDAW Midgard 4: Ragnarök (engl.)Download
GemischtAfter Lif's arrival in Asgard, the preparations for the final battle begin. How will Ragnaroek end?
Tommy Wicki
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